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Professional Online Training ~ 2 Days Live Class ~ 12 Mos. Of Coaching
There are 2 live 6-Figure Trader events per year. Choose May or October.
""As a Financial Advisor, I recommend this training to better serve your clients. Plus adding another stream of income from the industry you are already working in"
"As a Financial Advisor, I took the Six Figure Trader class hoping to learn trading for my personal benefit. The information and insights I gained from the class are well worth the investment. However, the unexpected bonus I found from this class was that the concepts and methodologies I have learned translate over to the conversations I have with my existing clients and new prospects. I strongly believe that I now have a competitive advantage over other Advisors in my area."
"I was a bit worried about taking the class due to the initial cost, but i could not be happier that i chose to go through with it. I think this may be one of the best decisions i have made."
"I took the Six Figure Trader class hoping to learn trading methodologies and strategies to use in my personal trading accounts. To my surprise, I not only have a great trading system but this has helped me embrace markets in away that my clients benefit dramatically. I am no more relying on my gut or 3rd party money mangers."
"As a woman advisor, I have always looked for things that could give me an edge in the marketplace. I took the training hoping to do that and boy was I surprised gaining more that expected. I not alone gained an edge but now have additional income stream from the stock market. I have been investing clients money for year but had no idea how to really invest for myself. I have always relied on 3rd party money managers to do the investing for my clients. I realized this wasn't the best idea and so that's why I took the training. This training has empowered me to do better for my clients and make additional income. "
"I finally found a real trading system. I have been so frustrated over the last couple years trying to learn how to profitably trade. I would gain money then turn around a give it back. I would buy a new trading system that promised great results but would just be another let down. The 6 Figure Trader was a God send. I actually learned how to trade! You just simply follow the rules. Joe could double his prices and it would be worth every penny!"